Non Destructive Testing Simulation and Methodology |
CIVA News > November 2017s |
CIVA 2017 is now released |
We informed you last month that CIVA 2017 was about to be released. Today is the official day for the release of this new version! All CIVA users under maintenance will receive, within the next couple of days and weeks, new activation files to update their license and move to CIVA 2017. Until then, you can already have a look at the release note, available on our website. For the others, you can send an e-mail to our team at contact[a]extende.com, to receive a proposal for the upgrade of your maintenance and support contract. |
Interview of Mr. Stephane LEBERRE |
Mr. Leberre, CIVA Project Manager at CEA, accepted to dedicate some time to our questions about this new version. CIVA users are looking forward to the release of this latest version. How long have you been working on it, and how many people have been mobilized on this project? Every year, we provide the features that have reached a sufficient level of maturity so that CIVA customers can use them with maximum confidence. This assumes on one hand to have validated the physical models, and on the other hand to have tested the features on several practical cases, optimized performances and fixed bugs. (...) Read more. |
Launch of ADVISE, a EURATOM research project |
| EXTENDE is proud to announce the launch of ADVISE, a EURATOM research project aiming at advancing the ultrasonic inspection of complex structured materials for which conventional ultrasonic techniques suffer from severe performance limitations due to the micro and/or macro-structure. For more information: Read more.
Global Compact annual COP |
After receiving a price for our annual Communication on Progress this year, we published once again our report on the actions taken to help reach or respect the 10 principles of the Global Compact. Our goals for 2018 are identical; it is the continuation of our efforts set up in previous years in order to have a responsible and exemplary attitude on a daily basis. We are committed to renewing our commitment to the Global Compact next year. Find our COP on our website.
CIVA Tip: Apply a “Distance Amplitude Correction” by signal processing
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In order to apply a DAC (also called TCG : Time Corrected Gain ») to results obtained from a parametric study one time only, it is necessary to do a post-processing of the data.
To do that, do a right-click on the data in the CIVA manager, then select « Edit VAR parameters ». In the new page, define a DAC « signal processing », fill the corresponding chart in (time and gains), then click on « New ». It is also possible to define a reference amplitude (for example, the maximum amplitude of the DAC in « points », arbitrary unit in CIVA) in order to obtain the results directly in dB.
Read more.
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